These are the digital versions of various titles, both indie and triple-A, that have been released for 9th and 8th generation consoles, available on the PlayStation store. Thanks to the PlayStation Network that connects both PS4 and PS5 consoles, finding and diving into incredible games has never been easier. The list of cheap PS5 games is ever-growing, and PS4 games are dropping in price! Games available on PSN consist of some of the greatest triple-A titles that transport you to fantastical realms full of world-altering adventures, massive scale threats and so much more! Just can’t get enough of PS? Enhance your experience with a PSN subscription! The convenience of PSN games Thanks to the technical capabilities of the 9th generation system, gaming has been brought to new heights both in terms of graphics and gameplay mechanics.

I don’t think it’s as good as last year’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which was so disturbing and thoughtful and had an excellent and long single-player campaign.Expand your horizons with great PlayStation 5 & PlayStation 4 games on offer! November 12, 2020, marked the release of the long-awaited PlayStation 5, and of course, the console was very well-received by the gaming community. While my frustration and bitterness towards the multiplayer remains stubbornly rigid in this most recent Call of Duty outing, it simply isn’t enough to impede my adulation for the campaign.

Jump back into the early 1980s, during the most volatile stages of the Cold War, on a gripping narrative that will let you experience the hard truths of war.